Our Work

Improving Lives by Addressing Community Needs

Everyone deserves opportunities for a good life: United Way of Randolph County works to improve lives by addressing community needs. Our work focuses on youth opportunity, a healthy community, financial security, and community resiliency. 

  • Youth Opportunity – At United Way, we want all kids to soar. So we work with the people who care for them — from families and neighbors to schools and community agencies  — to connect young people with the support they need. 
  • Healthy Community – Everyone should be able to make healthy choices for themselves and their families. However, there can be lots of barriers in underserved communities. United Way of Randolph County partners with local groups that expand access to nutritious food and quality healthcare, education, and services. 
  • Financial Security – Everyone deserves the opportunity to earn a living to sustain a family and build security for future generations. We’re partnering to help more adults thrive in careers, live in quality housing, and build generational wealth. 
  • Community Resiliency – United Way believes every community deserves to prosper. We work with our neighbors to build resilient communities that are more connected, supportive, and ready to respond to any challenge. 

Improving lives by addressing community needs is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing systems to help all of us. We are all connected and interdependent. We all win when a child succeeds in school, families are financially stable, and people are healthy.

United Way of Randolph County bridges and mobilizes people, organizations, and resources so individuals, families, and communities thrive in Randolph County.